
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Video Game of the Year (VGOTY) 2012 - Intro and Disclaimer

Generally speaking, I feel like this year the standard of video games has been significantly lower than last year. I remember sitting and composing my top games of 2011 and being spoilt for choice, to the extent that it was pretty agonising deciding on the final order of those top five games. Even now, I look back and would change the order a bit (for instance Portal 2 would be my number two game, and Dead Space 2 would probably drop off the list in favour of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword). I also recall that there was a still a massive list of games that I had stacked ready to play but hadn't gotten 'round to it.

This year is a little different. I've played through most of the games that I was looking forward to and caught up with a lot of the games outstanding from 2011. My top five games were actually pretty easy to pick once I'd put certain rules in place: no HD re-releases or DLC! If I had ignored this rule then the number one and two spots would belong to Dark Souls (again!!) and the Metal Gear Solid Collection. Dark Souls was re-released this year in a "Prepare to Die" edition, which included the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. I downloaded this DLC separately and played through the entire game for the second time (picking up some trophies I'd missed along the way)... AND I LOVED IT!!

The Metal Gear Solid Collection is actually a game that I picked up at the end of last year (when it was released in the USA), however it wasn't out here until mid way through 2012, and that was pretty much when I ended up playing it. These are some of the best video games ever made and in particular Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ended up joining my "greatest video games of all time" list, which I really must get around to posting in the future. I've yet to play Peacewalker as I type this, and have been saving it for a rainy day, but that could start me off on an MGS binge all over again!

Anyhoo, without further delay, following this post will be my personal top five games of the year for 2012. Notable absences are Mass Effect 3 (I played through just over half of it before getting bored and leaving it alone for a while - I will return at some point when I'm in the mood for a third-person shooter) and Dishonoured (because I still don't own this game, even though it looks incredible!).

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