
Wednesday 13 October 2010

BLOG: Mission Statement

You’ve got to love tabletop games. Recent scientific studies have shown that people who engage in cerebral activities such as board games and miniatures games during their younger days will keep their wits about them for long into old age; effectively helping to fight off senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The catch twenty two is that when you do eventually start to lose your marbles, you lose them much quicker. In summary, tabletop games give your brain a much needed workout that has beneficial long term effects, culminating in a rapid descent into madness.
I signed up years ago. I have been playing tabletop games since I was a child, and started with the standard family games such as Cluedo, Monopoly and Game of Life, before diving into miniatures games such as Warhammer 40,000 (2nd Ed RIP) in my teenage years.  My relationship with tabletop games has been a rocky romance, and for a time we completely fell out with each other; however the passion returned with a vengeance a few years back and, now twenty seven, I have been making up for lost time.
As well as keeping abreast (heh. breast) of things on Tabletop Gaming News and Board Game Geek, I also very much enjoy reading gaming blogs and watching video reviews of games to help me decide what to buy and branch out my interests into other genres or simply different games that I might not have heard of. Unfortunately, I’ve often been frustrated recently, as I can not find reviews of certain games in the detail that I want, or there is a complete lack of a video review available. I have since purchased some of these games anyway, but it highlighted a “gap in the market” for me.
So, here I am, with my first and only blog, about to review some of the games that I own and am passionate about in the kind of detail that I personally was originally looking for. I’ll also try and find time to do some bite sized video reviews of games that I think are lacking them. Just don’t expect updates with any regularity and it’ll all work out fine.