
Wednesday 16 January 2013

BGE S1: Best Games Ever - Series One

I could often be quoted as saying that 'X' is "one of the best games ever made" or "this game is definitely one that I would add onto my greatest games of all time list"... well, I've never actually sat down and made a list of  (what I would consider) the best video games ever created. Recently I've been thinking and trying to develop that list, but I don't think I'm going to be able to come up with a numerical order or anything like that, as I'm much too indecisive. Also, there are a few games which I might put on the list, alongside a load that DEFINITELY deserve a place on there. Since it takes me ages to get around to typing anything on this blog, I've decided to start with those games that I'm absolutely 100% sure are some of the best video games ever put onto disc/cartridge/projected into my eyeballs. Following this post then will be a small selection of games that are incredibly special to me and fundamentally changed my preconceptions about what this medium can achieve.

(Note: There are three games that would go into my 'best games ever' list that I'm not going to review as part of the 'BGE' series, either because I've already done a full feature review (Metal Gear Solid and Journey) or I've mentioned them in some detail before (Dark Souls was my video game of the year for 2011.))

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